by Mary-Jane O’Regan

If you haven’t heard of Bellamianta by now I am very shocked. In five short years they have taken the tanning world by storm,selling out and showing up on TV, beauty shows and retail outlets all over Ireland. Bellamianta,put skincare first and foremost in their vast range of products, ensuring all are formulated with natural extracts and clean ingredients making them the ultimate skin treatment. Their sumptuous formulas are filled with natural moisturisers and enriched with shea butter and aloe vera which through vitamin A, C & E soothe and restore skin.  These hard-working ingredients are carefully chosen and blended to provide a moisturised, longer-lasting tan that are free from Parabens, Harsh Chemicals, GMO’s, Parfume, Alcohol, Animal derivatives, Petrochemicals, Sulphates and Silicones, making them cruelty-free, vegan and safe to use while pregnant. Personally I am a fan and their products have got me out of many a pale situation. I am not alon and the bramd has amassed quite a follolwing from celebrities to influencers both here and abroad.

We had a chat with the founder Linda about the brand her life and the next steps.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I’ve always been very driven from a young age and knew in my heart that I would become my own boss. My mother has always been a major inspiration as she has been such a hardworking woman and such a role model for me and this inspired me to do this for my own children.

How did you come up with a name for your company?

I wanted a name that would reflect the products, and after some research, I came up with the name Bellamianta which means beautiful aspirations.

What do you do when you are not at work?

I’m always at work… well my mind is always at work. I genuinely never switch off. When I do try to I love spending time with my husband Jason and three gorgeous girls- Holly, Ruby-Rose & Savannah. I also like to keep fit and meeting up with the girlies and maybe having a tipple or two.


Try to describe yourself in three words only?

Adventurous, Driven & Generous.


How do you generate innovative ideas?

As mentioned above, my mind is always at work. I pick up ideas anywhere and everywhere and love brainstorming with my team. I think the fact that I’m obsessed with all things beauty and cosmetics helps too and having worked in the beauty industry for years helps me identify gaps in the market.


If you could talk to one person from history, who would it be and why?

Marylin Monroe – to find out what happened. She is an icon, not just for her beauty but for her fashion, style and cheekiness.


Who is your target market?

Both female and male aged 18 years +


Who has been your greatest inspiration in business?

Nicky Kinnaird- another Irish woman and the creator of Space NK. She was ahead of her time sourcing niche products from across the world for the stores whilst being innovative and creating her own ranges for the brand. She was a risk-taker and was so courageous, one of the reasons I went to work for her and manage one of her flagships stores before starting my own business.


What is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?

Launching my company just two days after the birth of my second child Ruby-Rose and juggling motherhood alongside building an empire.


Did your business need to pivot during the pandemic?

Absolutely! Normally, approximately 85% of our trading came from direct distribution. Retail stores took a massive hit so as a result, so did our distribution side to the business.


If so, how did you home in on new goals?

We had to concentrate on online sales and grow them at great speed. We were in a lucky position that we had just moved in new offices and warehouse in January meaning we had stock to hand and a lot more space for social distancing. We were also partway through a total rebrand with Bellamianta and this gave me the incentive that we must capitalise on online sales for the company to survive and ensure my staff still had jobs.


What is your favourite product in the line?

Ultra-dark mousse and the bronzer, I really can’t choose between them



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