When it comes to great business one must include lollipops!0Well for Thérèse O’Leary and Susan O’Neill that was very much the case.
On a busy flight to Portugal, Susan had no lollipops for her two toddlers, which could have turned into a national disaster for everyone on board including the crew.
Luckily, the serene stranger in the seat beside her came to her rescue. Thérèse, with her own toddler and another baby on the way, just so happened to have lollipops, and thus this beautiful sisterhood was born on a packed but wonderfully calm flight . . . which brings us to the business of Blinks n’ Brows, well after a few years, relatively speaking.
Blinks n’ Brows is a new Irish cosmetics company set up by Thérèse and Susan two proud Corkonians, that creates, designs and develops beauty products with heart + soul, products that go beyond the word cosmetic but also have a purpose to make to make women feel and look beautiful.
Company co-founder and beauty therapist, Thérèse, sadly like many of us, witnessed her sister go through chemotherapy for cancer and how it stole her sister’s natural identity, her eyebrows.
Seeing the challenge her sister encountered and how hair loss affects women generally, especially their eyebrows, Thérèse decided there had to be an easy solution on the market for this problem.
Having tried and tested the many brands on sale that promised perfect brows, none of them delivered a quick and easy solution.
Thérèse decided to solve the problem herself and designed her own product ID Brows, a two step technique that gives you perfect brows in seconds, anytime, anyplace, anywhere!
And who better to test and try the product for you than your best pal, your partner in crime?
Susan being the savvy business developer she is, on seeing how simple to use and simply perfect your brows become with the ID Brow tool, decided this was something all females needed and joined forces with Thérèse. So say hello to Blinks N Brows, a proud Cork cosmetics company and their first beauty product with soul . . . the ID Brow Kit.
The ID Brows Kit creates, shapes and defines eyebrows for all females. It creates brows for those who have suffered hair loss due to age or illness, shapes for those who have thin, pale or unruly eyebrows and defines for those who want to enhance their natural brows.
The mineral based, waterproof eyebrow compact that comes with the ID Brow Kit, will define your eyebrows hassle and mess free, offering a quick and easy solution that saves time on your make up routine.
Blinks N Brows ID BROW KIT costs €44.99 and contains:
- An easy peasy to hold ID Brow Tool with two brow shape templates
- A duo eyebrow mineral powder with a warm and cool tone palette and a compact brush
- A longer double ended brush that makes it impossible to use too much product
Using the ID BROW KIT:
Using your template choice, position the ID Brow tool over your eyebrow where you want to create, shape or define your brows, then using the longer brush with the mineral powder, shade over from the outer part of your eyebrow against the hair growth, and then shade in the direction of the growth. It’s that simple.
To sort out your ID just visit www.blinksnbrows.com to purchase your ID Brow Kit and to view a quick demonstration.