In the Cold weather Slow Cookers are a god send to us Working mom’s. Coming Home after a long day in the office to have to make a dinner for the whole family is nothing short of painful on some days. The introduction of slow cookers have been a godsend.

Having the ability to have a healthy wholesome meal ready for the family when you come home has changed the weekday dinner time dynamic, of a working Family.

Home made Irish stew, Casseroles even a roast chicken is now only a simple few steps to prepare.

Looking to cook flavoursome food for the family that is always cooked to perfection? Say hello to the professional chefs cooking secret ‘Sous Vide’ slow cooker (RRP €129.99) lets you experience the very best of cooking. with the freedom to cook in 3 different ways with one appliance and featuring a 6 litre capacity, you can prepare bigger meals for the family, friends and dinner guests without the need for pots and pans. When you want stress-free meals and rich flavour, the Russell Hobbs Sous Vide Slow Cooker lets you get precise cooking results with minimal effort.

Slow Cooking

Ready to be sued as a classic slow cooker, you can cook hearty home-cooked favorites from chicken curries and beef stews to your favourite chilli’s or even pulled pork. Simply add your ingredients, set your desired settings and your ready to go.


Sous Vide


Sous-vide is a french term meaning “under vacuum”. Its a method of cooking food inside a sealed pouch, in a water bath, at an accurately regulated temperature. Sealing the food in pouched retains the juices and subtle flavours that would otherwise be lost during conventional cooking. A style of cooking that is guaranteed to impress your guests.

Temperature probe

Whether you’re cooking a juicy roast chicken or a tender joint of roast beef to medium rare, the temperature probe makes sure it’s cooked to perfection.

The ‘Sous Vide’ has revolutionised the slow cooker. Not only is it a more economical product because of its extended range of uses it is also more economical for cooking for larger families. Making cooking for large groups even easier and certainly more enjoyable.

The Russell Hobbs range is available from independent electrical retailers nationwide.


Author Danielle Twomey