Milia and skin tags are extremely common on the face and other parts of the body.They are harmless but can often be aesthetically unpleasing not to mentioning annoying. The great news is that help is at hand with no downtime at Dublins Wicklow Street Clinic.
Milia are small, bump-like cysts found under the skin. They are usually 1 to 2 millimeters (mm) in size. They form when skin flakes or keratin, a protein, become trapped under the skin. Milia most often appear on the face, commonly around the eyelids and cheeks, however they can occur anywhere.They are easily and safely removed by The Wicklow Street Clinic’s therapists to leave skin looking clear and healthy. After treatment the area may be red and the removal site may produce scabbing for 3 -7 days. It’s very important to follow the aftercare instructions you will be given.

Skin tag or acrochordon or soft fibroma or mole in male armpit, macro photo. Papilloma virus or bump, dermatology problem on skin concept.
Skin tags are small, soft, skin-coloured growths on your skin. They can vary in colour and size – from a few millimetres up to 5cm wide.
They can look like warts, but skin tags are usually:
smooth and soft (warts tend to be rougher with an irregular surface)
knobbly and hang off the skin (warts are usually slightly raised or flat)
not contagious (warts spread very easily, so a sudden outbreak or cluster of growths is more likely to be warts)
Skin tags do not usually cause any pain or discomfort.
They are removed instantly. After treatment the area may be red and the skin tag site will produce scabbing for 7 to 10 days. It’s very important to follow the aftercare instructions you will be given.
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