This year, 2020 is a Leap Year making February 29th a day for girls to take a ‘leap of faith’ and propose to the man of their dreams!

Also known as Bachelor’s Day, February 29th comes from an old Irish tradition on Leap Day allowing women to initiate dances and propose marriage. If the proposal was refused the man was expected to buy the woman a silk gown or, by the mid-20th century, a fur coat. The tradition is supposed to originate from a deal that Saint Bridget struck with Saint Patrick.

The story goes that St. Brigid dropped straight to her knee at Patrick’s decree, instantly proposing to him. However, St. Patrick declined her offer, but he gave her a kiss on the cheek and a silk gown to soften the blow.

If you are considering making your own proposal this year, then Newbridge Silverware have some very cute little pieces that will help you propose with style.


The Proposal Ring Box (€30) offers a precious place for special things. This ring box is perfect for storing or gifting a precious ring, ornamental with its silver-plated bow detail it’s the ideal way to present a special gift to the one you love.


If you wanted to create a special proposal message for your beloved, then you could opt for the Secret Message Heart Decoration.  This silver-plated heart shaped decoration, is hung on a blue ribbon and the heart opens out to contain your precious message.


Both the Proposal Ring Box and the Secret Message Heart Decoration can also be inscribed for a personalised message to the one you love. For more information or to purchase these products and more online see or call + 353 (0) 45 431301