The countdown to Summer is on and our favourite thing about the warm-weather prep is the vibrant colour that is brought back into our lives – floaty sun-dresses, tanned pins and freshly manicured fingers and toes. Add a splash of vibrant colour to a tanned face by way of gorgeous pouty lip, or emphasise your tanned legs with a flash of vibrant colour to your toes. Perfect for when the weather starts to heat up!
So go bright or go home and pre-stock your arsenal with one of these legitimately gorgeous summer shades.
IsaDora Twist Up Gloss in Pink Punch, Coral Cocktail or Fiery Fuchsia €12.95
Cutex Care+Color in Flare for Fuchsia, Flower Pout or Passion Ignites €4.99
Take a mini holiday with one of the Mavala Minis exotic locations in La Paz, Jaipur, Mexico or Bamako 4.99