‘Yoga in the Park with Himalaya Yoga Valley’ is back again this summer in the beautiful setting of Fitzgerald’s Park and the Regional Park Ballincollig.
The weekly summer event has raised over €62,000 for charity over the last five years, with the team hoping to raise even more funds this year! The first outdoor class of the Summer will take place in both parks over the bank holiday weekend on Saturday 1st June 2019. All funds raised at Fitzgerald’s Park will go towards Cork Simon Community, while Pieta House will benefit from the funds raised at the Regional Park Ballincollig. The class at Fitzgerald’s Park will take place in front of the bandstand and run from 10:00-11:15am. The class at the Regional Park Ballincollig will run from 10:15-11:30am.
Every Saturday from June 1- September 7, yoga enthusiasts and novices will stretch it out and improve their own physical and mental health while supporting those in need! Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre will host this weekly donation yoga class. Last year, over 400 people joined the Himalaya Yoga Valley team across both parks for Yoga in the Park and this year they hope to make it an even greater success!
Cork Simon’s Director, Dermot Kavanagh, said:
“This is what community is all about – people believing in people; coming together to support men, women and children in our community who are suffering from the exclusion, isolation and devastation of homelessness. The support of Himalaya Yoga Valley and all those participating in this very popular event over the last five years have helped us to keep our doors open for every person turning to us for help – it’s Cork at its best.”
Kieran Brady Director of Funding & Advocacy, Pieta House said:
“Pieta would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the generous donation and continued support from Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre Cork. The Yoga in the Park is a really rewarding and beneficial Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative for all involved. The funds received will help us provide our nationwide services which are free of charge and freely available therapeutic services to people who are in suicidal distress, those who engage in self-harm and those who are bereaved by suicide.”
We welcome you to join members of the Himalaya Yoga Valley team, Cork City Council, Cork Simon Community and Pieta House at the launch of this wonderful fundraising initiative on Saturday 1st June 2019.
Marion Courtney, Business Manager at Himalaya Yoga Valley said:
“All of our team get great satisfaction from helping others through yoga. We encourage everybody to join us each Saturday of the summer months in either park to help raise much needed funds for these organisations whilst looking after their mind and body through yoga! To see over 400 people from all walks of life, ages, fitness abilities and entire families practicing yoga together every week for charity really is something special. We are so grateful to our team, members of our community and Cork City Council for making it such a great success.”
To take part in ‘Yoga in the Park with Himalaya Yoga Valley’ all you need to bring along is your yoga mat, donation (minimum €5), water and sunscreen. All ages and abilities are welcome and this is a family-friendly event. Follow Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre Cork on social media to keep up to date on weather updates each Saturday. For more information log onto www.yogacorkireland.com, email info@yogacorkireland.com or telephone 021 4279696.
If you require any more information, press or media details in relation to this event please contact Marion Courtney on the below details.
We look forward to seeing you at the launch of this wonderful community initiative!
- Celebrating raising €22,297 after last years ‘Yoga in the Park with Himalaya Valley’ were left to right Lisa Fahy & Maeve O’Brien, Himalaya Yoga Valley, Kerry MacMahon, Cork Simon Community, Darran Coyle Garde, Pieta House, Marion Courtney and Anca Erena, Himalaya Yoga Valley. This class by donation in aid of Cork Simon Community and Pieta House will take place every Saturday over the summer months in Fitzgerald’s Park and the Regional Park Ballincollig. Photo Credit: Clare Keogh
- REPRO FREE NO FEE Lisa Fahy and Maeve O’Brien of Himalaya Yoga Valley, Darran Coyle Garde, Pieta House, Kerry MacMahon, Cork Simon Community, Maeve O’Brien and Anca Erena of Himalaya Yoga Valley celebrating the grand total of €22,297 raised from Yoga in the Park Cork this Summer. Yoga in the Park is an award winning Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative which is organised by the team at Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre Cork. €13,897 was presented to the Cork Simon Community which were the proceeds from Yoga in the Park at Fitzgerald’s Park where over 300 people attended the weekly Saturday morning class and €8,400 to Pieta House which were the proceeds from Yoga in the Park at Ballincollig Regional Park where over 150 attended the Saturday morning class over the Summer months. Visit www.yogacorkireland.com for more information. Picture Clare Keogh
- Fitzgerald’s Park, July 2018. Yoga from the Sky! ‘Yoga in the Park with Himalaya Yoga Valley’ starts back on Saturday June 1st! This class by donation in aid of Cork Simon Community and Pieta House will take place every Saturday over the summer months in Fitzgerald’s Park and the Regional Park Ballincollig. Photo Credit: Loose Skies
34 Penrose Wharf, Cork
T 021 427 9696
13A Westpoint Retail Park, Link Road, Ballincollig, Cork
T 021 427 9696