Cooking up a storm with Kitchen Aid

With Masterchef and The Bake off being guilty pleasures at Hi HQ we are keen bakers and cookers. We don’t like the major legwork that comes from whisking and dough making. Fear not though for nearly a century, KitchenAid has been Serious About Food and its products represent the perfect mix of professional performance, artisan…


Vichy announced as the skincare partner of the “M Word Event”- Ireland’s first event for perennial women and menopause

Vichy Ireland are delighted to be partnering with the “M Word Event” taking place in Dublin’s Radisson Blu St Helen’s Hotel on Friday, 11th October.     The M Word event is for women of Generation M – for Midlife.   Women who are navigating their 40s and 50s, pushing out the boundaries and redefining this stage of life.    …
